Same Sex Marriage and Adrian Missouri

Like many of you I have been following the Supreme Courts decision and I have been reading numerous articles in its wake. While I am not an expert in all facets of this issue, I do have a few thoughts that I want to share. My main influence is the Bible on this topic (READ THIS To Help) Much of my thinking is about how the recent decision will affect the Church and Christians here in Adrian Missouri and maybe rural Churches everywhere.

1. Homosexuality is not a huge issue. I have been reading numerous polls and surveys. One of them suggested that most Americans believe 25% of the population is homosexual. Yet, on the flip side, less than 6% of the population actually claim to be homosexual. We have been led to believe that a huge number of people are struggling with this issue when the number is much smaller than we imagined. Think of everyone you know and then calculate how many are openly homosexual. I am guessing that in a rural community the numbers are very, very small. It is a real issue, but not as big as the newspapers make us believe.

2. Pornography is a huge issue. It is currently estimated that 90% of males under 30 years of age have viewed it. Many are viewing it as early as 12. Addiction is very high and access is easy. As a result it is ruining marriages, men and Churches. I can think of at least 10 men right now who are struggling. It is important to every Church to keep its eye on the ball. The Church has always had to deal with sexual issues on numerous levels. Be careful not to neglect one area while focusing on another. Satan is crafty.

3. Our Church has been making changes to help with gay marriage issues that might come up. Early this year our leadership decided to no longer have our building as a “public use” facility. We will no longer rent our facilities for functions of the general Adrian community. Our facility will be for the use of our members. The end result is that no one can call the Church and use our facility for gay marriage. We are constantly talking about this issue and praying for God’s direction in our decisions.

4. Same sex marriage numbers will quickly drop. Worldwide numerous homosexual couples have decided to never marry (READ THIS). My prediction is that the issue of same sex marriage will quickly reduce. Part of the reason is because homosexual people have a hole that marriage alone cannot fill. Their need is deeply spiritual and marriage alone will not solve the identity crisis so in time the idea of marriage will hold less joy and hope. [Hasn’t that already happened to many heterosexual couples??] People need a Savior not a partner.

5. Don’t be surprised when non-Believers act like non-Believers. Believers and non-Believers will have enormously different views on these issues. That is expected. People who do not claim Jesus as their savior will do all kinds of ungodly behavior. Our job is not to stand and condemn them, but to offer them the grace of Jesus. Hear me, “I want homosexuals to come to our Church.” Why? Because I want them to hear the message of a Savior. I am not the judge of mankind, I am a messenger of grace.

There is a lot more that could be said, but I wanted to share what I am learning through all that I read, hear and observe. This issue has been going on in several other countries for the last few years and wisdom is coming from their communities for all of us. (LIKE THIS) My final suggestion is that we read our Bibles, listen to God, pray and seek his will in every part of this issue. Be informed and be wise.

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