After Being Saved

Then what happens? What happens after we have confessed our faith, repented of our sins, and been baptized into Jesus? What then?

I explain it by using marriage as an analogy. A wedding is vastly different than a marriage. A wedding is an event. Marriage is a process of becoming one. 

Unfortunately, just like marriage, too many people are focused on the big event and not the long-term commitment.

One pastor friend used to take out a paper calendar. He would tell people, “If you decide to follow Jesus, please understand that impacts every day after. It will impact where you go to college, who you will date, which job you take and where, who you marry, what you will do for fun, and what you will do every Sunday for the rest of your life.”

Following Jesus is more than saying you would like him to save you from your sins. It is daily waking up and saying that you are going to live for him. He is both Savior and Lord.

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